WSF 1.7.2 - 27 Oct 2011

Removal of Transition Object Types In The Next Release

Over the last couple of years several movers were reimplemented in such a way that compatibility between the old and new implementations could not be maintained transparently. As such, both old and new forms coexisted under different names (i.e. OLD and NEW). The default implementation (i.e.: name without the OLD or NEW) eventually changed from referring to the old implementation to referring to the new implementation.

The new implementations have been the default implementation for over year. Effective with the NEXT release, the old implementations will be removed from the code and the transition names (OLD and NEW) will be removed as follows:

If you haven’t already done so, please convert your definitions to use the standard (non-transition) names.


  • (CR 8828) Removed the ‘beam_color_rgba’ capability from Antenna Commands that was implemented in version WSF 1.7.1 - 25 Mar 2011. The non-standard DIS PDU caused problems for some simulations and resulted in larger replay files. A different implementation may be provided at some point in the future.

  • (CR 8861) Corrected a problem where WSF_TBM_MOVER could hang in an infinite loop if the target was at a higher MSL altitude than the launcher (as could occur when using terrain).

  • (CR 8865) Corrected a problem where the event_output events SENSOR_KILLED, SENSOR_NON_OPERATIONAL and SENSOR_OPERATIONAL were not properly terminated.

  • (CR 8875) Corrected a problem in WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER (as well as WSF_RADIO_XMTR and WSF_RADIO_RCVR) where a message that required two or more relay hops (e.g. a STATCOM cross-link) could get stuck in an infinite cycle of being transmitted between two nodes.

  • (CR 8908) Corrected a problem where the script method WsfPlatformPart.SetOperational would not parse using the syntax in the documentation.

  • (CR 8916) Corrected a problem where raw tracks filtered by the track manager on one node and then reported to another node, could get marked in such a way on the receiving node that they would never get evaluated by WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR unless evaluate_candidate_tracks was set to ‘true’.

  • (CR 8932) Corrected a problem where the simulation would crash if a WSF_COMPOSITE_SENSOR was used when a record was enabled.

  • (CR 8933) Corrected a situation where enabled simulation observer would get called multiple times per event if a multi-run Monte Carlo Iteration execution was used.

  • (CR 8966) Corrected a problem in [[sensor_plot flight_path_analysis]] with the treatment of velocity from TSPI files. The velocity direction derived by sensor_plot was inconsistent with the derivation in WSF_TSPI_MOVER. The magnitude was correct, but the direction could be different.

  • (CR 8984) Corrected a problem in the calculation of the message transfer rate in WSF_COMM_TRANSCEIVER and WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER when ‘transfer_rate’ was being defined on the communication network and not in the communication device.

  • (CR 9002) Corrected a minor problem in the GENAP cosecant antenna generator which cause a slight (0.1 degree) elevation shift in the resulting pattern. Also applied the most recent patches from SUPPRESSOR.

  • (CR 9025) Corrected a problem where radio based communications were not being affected by Zone-based attenuation.

  • (CR 9038) Corrected a problem in WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR where the earth_radius_multiplier was being accepted, but didn’t affect the detection results. This prevented using the sensor as a simple low-fidelity surrogate for a radar sensor.

  • (CR 9047) Corrected a problem where the sensing chance list entry for a target platform was sometimes not getting deleted when the target platform was deleted. This occurred only for target tracking sensors. The main impact was a performance problem caused by the constant reallocation of the list as new platforms were added to the simulation.

  • (CR 9051) Corrected several problems in WSF_STRAIGHT_LINE_MOVER that was causing erratic behavior.

  • (CR 9054) The common orientation for satellites using WSF_SPACE_MOVER or WSF_NORAD_SPACE_MOVER will be “right side up, ” so that platforms appear to fly “straight and level.” More specifically, satellites will be oriented so that the local z axis points to nadir (Earth center), the x axis is in the direction of motion (perpendicular to z and in the same plane as z and the ECI velocity vector), and y is perpendicular to both x and z. In STK it is identical with the attitude option “Nadir alignment with ECI velocity constraint.”

  • (CR 9061) Corrected a problem in WsfSensorInteraction and WsfCommInteraction where range values were mistakenly being return in units of kilometers rather than meters.

  • (CR 9088) Corrected an issue with the WSF_ESM_SENSOR track type reporting being overridden by the ‘reports_type’ flag when using the ‘reported_emitter_type’ block input commands.

  • (CR 9098) Corrected an issue where the last timestamp in the DIS output stream was always the value of the ‘end_time’ command, even if the simulation was terminated early (e.g.: by using WsfSimulation.Terminate()). The last timestamp will now be set to the maximum simulation time that was achieved.

  • (CR 9133) Corrected a problem with the WSF_ESM_SENSOR, WSF_IR10T_SENSOR, and WSF_SOSM_SENSOR when using ranging_time and ranging_time_track_quality where the track quality was being applied before the range was valid.

  • (CR 9135) When attempting to estimate a pseudo-3D location from a 2D (range-bearing) track, the location would be corrupted if the slant range was less than the assumed altitude used to compute the location.

  • (CR 9137) Corrected a problem where the origin of a sensor report incorrectly used the platform location instead of the sensor antenna location. This was causing a error in the track report if the sensor antenna was offset from the origin of the platform, as range and angles are measured relative to the origin of the sensor antenna.

  • (CR 9142) Fixed an issue where stopping a jamming assignment when a repeater was operating in manual mode with signal following set to ‘true’ would fail.

  • (CR 9149) Corrected an issue where a csims_interface missile launched from moving platform (e.g.: a ship) would occasionally abort immediately after launch with an erroneous ‘hit ground’ message.

  • (CR 9163) Prevented the sending of jamming systems in the DIS emission PDUs that are off and have been off for the previous sending to lessen the DIS loading.

  • (CR 9165) Correct a problem where the incorrect beam position would be computed if the device was cued, the azimuth to the target had the opposite sign of the cued azimuth, and the scan volume about the cue spanned the +/- 180 degree azimuth line (relative to the uncued orientation).

  • (CR 9190) Corrected a problem in the altitude triggers of WSF_WEAPON_FUSE (and the derived variants WSF_AIR_TARGET_FUSE and WSF_GROUND_TARGET_FUSE) where detonation was incorrectly occurring when any altitude sample was above/below the criteria value. Detonation will now occur when crossing the criteria value in the proper direction, as specified in the documentation.

  • (CR 9267) Corrected a problem where sensor_plot_flight_path_analysis was improperly manipulating the heading from a TSPI file.

  • (CR 9268) Corrected a problem where the TIME_NOW variable would not reflect the current simulation time if the script was invoked as a result of calling WsfSimulation.ExecuteAtTime, WsfPlatform.ExecuteAtTime or WsfProcessor.ExecuteAtTime specifying a time in the past.

  • (CR 9303) Corrected a problem in WSF_ESM_SENSOR where the reported location data for tracking radars would be incorrect if the sensing platform had a significant orientation change (i.e. started to bank) between the time the detection attempt occurred and the data was reported.
