WSF 1.7.3 - 10 Apr 2012


  • Changed names for input and script types in the optional wsf_hel project, in order to adhere to the “WSF_” naming convention, as follows:






    • LaserWeapon -> WsfLaserWeapon

    • BeamDirector -> WsfBeamDirector


  • (CR 8265) Modified on_message so it would accept either WSF_DROP_TRACK_MESSAGE or WSF_TRACK_DROP_MESSAGE as a handler for WsfTrackDropMessage. When WSF was created, the type of WsfTrackDropMessage was confusingly named WSF_DROP_TRACK_MESSAGE instead of WSF_TRACK_DROP_MESSSAGE. This provides a transition path by allowing either form.

  • (CR 9290) Corrected a problem where a platform using a WSF_6DOF_MOVER would continue to fly straight & level after being told to change course. This error could previously be achieved by commanding it to WsfPlatform.GoToLocation (or WsfPlatform.FollowRoute), then command it to WsfPlatform.TurnToHeading, and then command it to fly to the original location (or route).

  • (CR 9339) Corrected several problems with the evaluation of incidentally engaged targets when the weapon_effects attribute allow_incidental_damage is provided.

    • When an incidental target was MISSED (i.e.: event_output WEAPON_MISSED) the status said KILLED instead of MISSED if any previously evaluated incidental target in the same engagement was hit and killed.

    • The PkDrawn on the WEAPON_MISSED event_output was reported even if a Pk draw was not required (i.e.: outside the maximum possible lethal radius). It was showing the result from the last incidentally hit target in the same engagement.

    • Incidentally engaged targets that were moving at the time when the engagement was terminated used an out-of-date location for evaluating miss distance. This could cause a target to be incorrectly categorized as hit or missed.

  • (CR 9341) The script method WsfPlatform.Route would crash if called on a platform that did not have a mover.

  • (CR 9365 and 9393) Corrected a problem where the WSF_6DOF_MOVER would report a higher speed externally, but would propagate at a slower rate than reported.

  • (CR 9370) Fixed a bug where imperfect correlation with the cluster method was not working when a filter was also being used on a track_manager.

  • (CR 9374) Fixed a bug where a WSF_ESM_SENSOR was not reporting a type whenever a multi-transmitter system’s last transmitter was not detected.

  • (CR 9390) Fixed an issue with the WSF_SIMPLE_FT_EFFECT not working correctly with embedded WSF_RADIUS_EFFECT commands.

  • (CR 9391) Corrected a problem where the WSF_GUIDED_MOVER command thrust_vectoring_time_limits was not accepting valid values.

  • (CR 9400) WSF_6DOF_MOVER would sometimes fail to detect that it had reached the target waypoint if navigation_errors were being used.

  • (CR 9402) Corrected a problem where the speed flown by WSF_6DOF_MOVER was different from the requested speed by 2-3% due to a different atmosphere model being used by the underlying model.

  • (CR 9416) Corrected a missing capability in the WSF_SIMPLE_FT_EFFECT implementation where the false_target_screener target forcing commands and the WSF_RADIUS_EFFECT effects were not being accounted for in the WSF_SIMPLE_FT_EFFECT implementation.

  • Fixed an issue with propagating the track errors associated with EW Effects in a WSF_RADAR_SENSOR types when compute_measurment_errors was set to true.

  • Fixed an issue where WsfArticulatedPart methods X,Y,Z,Yaw,Pitch,Roll could return old information.

  • (CR 9441) Corrected a problem where the SENSOR_MODE_DEACTIVATED event was not being issued when a mode was implicitly deselected as a result of the selection of a new mode of a single-select sensor.

  • (CR 9485) Corrected a problem where programs would crash if the script method WsfPlatformPart.ProcessInput was erroneously used to edit a non-existing sensor mode. The program will now issue a warning message and ignore the attempt.

  • (CR 9493) Corrected a problem where multi-hop WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER relays were causing a crash. This only occurred if the final relay attempt in a multi-hop scenario failed.

  • (CR 9511) Corrected three problems with script compile errors in the behavior_tree. The behavior tree now reports script compile errors found in its script blocks, said errors now do not cause a crash, and “unknown script” errors are now reported.

  • (CR 9512) Fixed an interpolation problem with the WSF_TSPI_MOVER. When mover updates occurred in-between points defined in the input file, the calculated intermediate position was wrong.

  • (CR 9541) Corrected an infinite loop problem in the WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER when multiple comm devices on the same network could all act as relays but none could deliver the message.

  • (CR 9564) Corrected a problem where WSF_GUIDED_MOVER could miss detecting the end of the burn phase of a stage if the thrust_duration time was exceeded before all the fuel was consumed.
