WSF 1.7.1 - 25 Mar 2011


Significant enhancements were made to the ‘search’ capability for the documentation provided with the software. This should make it much easier to locate the desired information.

Updated the dis_interface to set orientation rates to zero when using the use_simple_accelerations entry. To set the simple orientation rate fields in the DIS Entity State PDU, use the entry use_simple_orientation_rates, also. These commands will be ignored by any platform that has a 6-DOF mover, as the 6-DOF mover calculates its own acceleration values.

Added a Flexible Data Link (FADL) communication module and Communication Effects interface. The FADL is a mechanism to represent data-link messages passed between simulated entities on a DIS network. It has a flexible definition to accommodate almost any message format. One predefined message set has been defined in order to achieve this interoperability to share target information. The Communication Effects interface enables external communications simulations to effect FADL traffic on a DIS network.


(CR 8310) Fixed an issue where the J11.1 messages were being sent to a weapon when its target platform was no

longer alive. J11.1 messages are no longer being sent in this case to any weapons that had said platform as a target.

(CR 8643) Fixed an issue where the number of canceled jammers was being incorrectly book-kept within the

WSF_SLC_EFFECT whenever the electronic_attack being mitigated had multiple effects within a single technique and one of them was or inherited from the WSF_SLC_DEGRADE_EFFECT with the number of saturated channels being greater than 1.

(CR 8661) Corrected an issue in weapon engagement termination processing where csims_interface and

jaam_interface movers could cause a crash or lockup when running in multi-threaded mode.

(CR 8662) Corrected several memory initialization problems in the WSF_CSIMS_MOVER that

would cause erratic flyouts on Windows 7 systems. The problem could have existed on any system, but was more pronounced on Windows 7 because of the way newly allocated memory was not initialized to zero.

(CR 8663) Fixed a segmentation fault when the WSF_POL_MOD_EFFECT and WSF_SLC_EFFECT were interacting.

This issue was not seen between the WSF_SLC_DEGRADE_EFFECT and WSF_SLC_EFFECT.

(CR 8668) Fixed a performance issue in the WSF_SIMPLE_FT_EFFECT causing slow/lock-ups in the simulation

for sensors that scanned in azimuth and elevation with narrow beamwidths. Also fixed some issues with the algorithms and calculation of the number of false targets that the sensor could detect.

(CR 8671) Modified the WsfCovariance script methods so they no longer require a track argument to be


(CR 8672) Corrected a problem where later message_table entries that used the same key (comm type, message

type and message subtype) were not overwriting the values from the previous entry (thus violating the convention that the last value for a given data item should be used). Also modified the code so that a warning message would be emitted if a ‘subtype’ command was used under the ‘default’ command. The documentation did not indicate they were acceptable and the code would never use such entries.

(CR 8673) Fixed an issue where the ew_technique_type command in the dis_interface was

only allowing 16-bit values when it should have allowed 32-bit values.

(CR 8684) Fixed issue where the start_entity command in the dis_interface did not


(CR 8717) Corrected a problem in the DIS Detonation PDU when a weapon platform is fully damaged and killed.

The detonation result in the corresponding DIS Detonation PDU was being set to 5 (for detonation). It is now being set to 6 (for none) for this case.

(CR 8723) Corrected a problem where the azimuth component of a cue was getting used even if the

slew_mode or cue_mode specified ‘elevation’.

(CR 8724) Corrected a problem where the orientation of a non-imaging sensor that was cued was not being

properly reflected if there where no targets. This caused the visual displays in VESPA and the IWARS panel to be incorrect.

(CR 8725) Corrected a problem where when changing sensor modes, the scan rate (as computed from the

frame_time) was not getting updated to the rate of the new mode.

(CR 8726) Corrected a problem where the sensor measurement errors for imaging sensors (WSF_EOIR_SENSOR and

WSF_SAR_SENSOR) were not getting propagated through image formation and analysis. This prevented the track manager from being able to compute a covariance matrix.

(CR 8727) Corrected a problem where WSF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR was not properly computing the velocity in the

output tracks that represented the objects in the image. A change implemented in WSF 1.6.3 caused the problem.

(CR 8738) Corrected a problem where an additional space would show up after the first word in a script string

in certain circumstances.

(CR 8739) Added behavior where track updates from the same raw track, at a lower track quality, are accepted

for fusion. These updates had been rejected because lower quality tracks, from any source, had been rejected.

(CR 8743) The script that converts IRIMAGE ‘kio3’ files into a format that can be used by the SOSM target model table

( was aborting if every az/el sample did not include a plume contribution. It was corrected so it will produce a zero plume contribution for those az/el samples where no contribution was present in the ‘kio3’ file.

(CR 8758) Documented the WsfTrack script methods WsfTrack.IFF_Neutral and


(CR 8760) Corrected a problem in road_traffic where the

end_of_path_option reverse_direction was not working.

(CR 8761) Corrected a problem in road_traffic where the initial distribution of travel times did not match

the requested distribution.

(CR 8793) Corrected a cosmetic problem where the timestamp in the header written to record

was not correct. This was not a problem because the time used programs like VESPA was recorded in a different manner, but the timestamp was corrected just in case anybody ever used the file for another reason and expected the timestamps to be correct.

(CR 8797) Remove any special characters in user-supplied strings provided to event_output before writing

them to the event file. The presence of some special characters can prevent some post-processors from being able to interpret the file.

(CR 8803) Changed the default number_of_servers in WSF_DELAY_PROCESSOR from ‘1’

to ‘infinite’. This makes it behave like a simple delay. The old default of ‘1’ often caused problems because internal messages would interfere with the expected delay.

(CR 8812) Corrected a problem where the noise power used to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio was incorrect.

The problem only occurred for comm interactions involving a WSF_RADIO_XMTR and a WSF_RADIO_RCVR. It did not occur when using matched WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER.

(CR 8819) Corrected a problem where WSF_GRADUATED_LETHALITY was considering too many targets for possible

damage when ‘allow_incidental_damage’ was enabled.

(CR 8824) The target_pitch and target_roll target state variable selection commands in sensor_plot

were not working because of a typographical error.

(CR 8825) Added documentation for the various sensor_plot target state variable selection commands.

(CR 8832, CR 8833) Correct a problem where WSF_ROAD_MOVER would sometimes generating the wrong route and

using the wrong speed.


(CR 5562) Added the scan_stabilization option to enable the definition

of ‘stabilized’ sensor scan volumes.

Added Ellipse capability to WsfDraw.

Added alpha value to SetColor in WsfDraw allowing lines and shapes to appear translucent.

Added documentation for WSF_SCRIPT_LAUNCH_COMPUTER. This was implemented in the 1.7.0 release, but not


Added script methods to WsfRoute: WsfRoute.Front, WsfRoute.Back, WsfRoute.Waypoint

Added script methods to WsfWaypoint: WsfWaypoint.SetClimbRate, WsfWaypoint.ClimbRate,

WsfWaypoint.SetLinearAcceleration, WsfWaypoint.LinearAcceleration, WsfWaypoint.SetRadialAcceleration, WsfWaypoint.RadialAcceleration, WsfWaypoint.SetAltitude, WsfWaypoint.SetSwitch, WsfWaypoint.SetSwitchTime, WsfWaypoint.SetSwitchDistance, WsfWaypoint.Switch, WsfWaypoint.SetEndOfPathOption, WsfWaypoint.Index, WsfWaypoint.GoToLabel, WsfWaypoint.Label, WsfWaypoint.AltitudeAGL, WsfWaypoint.AltitudeMSL

Added script method WsfGeoPoint.SetAltitudeAGL to WsfGeoPoint.

(CR 8569) Modified WSF_SAR_SENSOR so that it will report an object as being in the image even if the

object was not detectable during part of the time while the image was being collected.

(CR 8570) Added the IMAGE_CREATED event to event_output.

(CR 8666) Updated WSF to emit the latest format for the WsfDraw PDUs, which support

layers and ellipses. Note: To use WsfDraw with versions of VESPA v5.3.2 and older you must explicitly enable the deprecated WsfDraw PDU format using the use_deprecated_cme_draw_data command.

(CR 8669) Added methods to WsfTrack and

WsfCovariance to return a covariance matrix that has been propagated forward in time. Also cleaned up the WsfCovariance script methods to conform to the conventions for method names and return values.

(CR 8674) Added the capability to define Electronic Warfare (EW) sets, techniques and effect type definitions.

See electronic_warfare, electronic_warfare_technique and electronic_warfare_effect for more information. Also, with this capability is the capability to modify already defined EW types and instances.

(CR 8698) Added the detection_probability command to WSF_RADAR_SENSOR, which

allows one to define a Pd vs. SNR curve as an alternative to using the Swerling detector.

(CR 8699) Added the mti_adjustment to Radar Signal Processors types, which allows one

to define a curve to reflect the increasing difficulty in attempting to detect targets with a GMTI sensor as they move with ever slower speeds.

(CR 8710) The message length and priority can be now be set individually for a sensor modes

(message_length, message_priority). Similar commands were defined for WSF_IMAGE_PROCESSOR, WSF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR, This eliminates the most of the need to create scripts for setting these parameters.

Documented the WsfTrackProcessor.is_track_reportable script method in WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR. This

method has existed since the earliest releases and is useful for implementing custom reporting methods.

As part of CR 8725 documented in the Corrections section above, the frame_time of a sensor may

now be dynamically updated using the script WsfObject.ProcessInput command (e.g.: <tt>PLATFORM.Sensor(“radar”).ProcessInput(“mode MY_MODE frame_time 10 sec end_mode”);</tt>). This currently only works for non-imaging sensors.

Added the random_seed_time command.

Added commands to allow some ‘list-type’ items to be reset back to their initial or empty state. This allows these

items to be reset and redefined when reusing an existing definition. The new commands are clear_external_links for external message routing, Platform Part Commands for internal message routing; clear_categories in platform and clear_categories; ignore_nothing for sensor detection control; and reports_nothing for sensor reporting control.

Updated the script observer capability so multiple script observers can be enabled for the same event. Also added the disable command to disable a previously registered observer.

(CR 8731) Added the command

include_dis_entity_id_in_j3x_tracks to link16_interface which allows a new J3.X extension word that holds DIS Entity Id data to be included in J3.X Surveillance track messages. Messages can be sent through WSF_JTIDS_TERMINAL comm devices, and are also available via DIS Signal pdu’s when configured. WsfTadilJ for the new extension word is available.

(CR 8786) Added in more gain control methods to the


(CR 8813) Allow optional definition of the on_damage_received script that will be called when

a platform receives damage as the result of a weapon hit.

Added new script methods to WsfPlatform: WsfPlatform.OrientationNED, WsfPlatform.OrientationWCS,

WsfPlatform.SetOrientationNED, WsfPlatform.SetOrientationWCS, WsfPlatform.ConvertECSToWCS, WsfPlatform.ConvertWCSToECS

(CR 8818) Updated WSF_TSPI_MOVER to include an at_end_of_path option which defines what happens to

the platform when the end of the TSPI file is encountered.

(CR 8828) Updated WSF DIS interface to send non-standard DIS pdu’s containing beam range and color data for

each “active” beam of each mode of each sensor of each platform in a simulation. VESPA will receive and interpret these pdu’s to display the appropriate beam range and color as the sensor mode(s) changes. If a beam_parameters.txt file has been referenced, the beam data from these pdu’s will override it. Beam range can be set using the maximum_range command. Beam color can be set using the beam_color_rgba command. This capability is functional for the WSF_RADAR_SENSOR, WSF_OTH_RADAR_SENSOR, WSF_SAR_SENSOR, and the WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR.

Database Updates

Corrected issues with weapon inheritance causing SAMs not to shoot in legacy databases.

(CR 8807) In one of the classified WSF 1.7.0 databases, tracks received by RADAR_BRIGADE, RADAR_REGIMENT and

RADAR_BATTALION players from subordinate RADAR_COMPANY players were not being sent up the command chain.