WSF 1.7.0 - 13 Dec 2010



  • (CR 8280) Corrected an issue where the CSIMS missile model would generate missile state data with ‘not-a-number’ (or NaN) values if the target was already dead at the time the missile was launched. (Classified releases only)

  • (CR 8316) Corrected an issue with multi-beam radars interacting with false target jamming. When more than one beam is interacting with the same jammer transmitter and one of the beams does not pass a power sufficiency test it fails to interact with all subsequent beams unless it then interacts with another beam. The last beam in wins the interaction pass/fail criteria. With this fix when a single beam can interact it adds it to the interactions list.

  • (CR 8317) Fixed some issues with false target jamming causing segmentation faults when doing a multi-threaded simulation run.

  • (CR 8365) The velocities are now reported as feet/second per the standard in the j11.1 message.

  • (CR 8372) The WsfMessage script functions SetSizeInBits and SetSizeInBytes were not working causing a runtime error.

  • (CR 8382) Fixed a problem with road mover platforms instantaneously changing altitude when paused.

  • (CR 8397) Corrected a problem where crash would occur if a DIS Detonation PDU was received where the target was not specified or not existent and the ‘Location’ field in the PDU was zero.

  • (CR 8454) The WSF_6DOF_MOVER now responds to the base set of platform mover script commands, such as TurnToHeading(), GoToAltitude(), and GoToSpeed(). Corrected a problem in WSF_6DOF_MOVER that caused inconsistent kinematic data to be reported. When flying straight a level at a constant speed, the position reported at time T2 did not match the position computed by extrapolating from the previously reported state at time T1.

  • (CR 8471) Updated the Cosecant Pattern antenna pattern generator to reflect the most recent updates from the source code from which this routine was derived. The original source erroneously used the azimuth_beamwidth to compute the elevation-dependent gain above and below the cosecant-squared region. The code with now use the elevation_beamwidth when computing the elevation-dependent gain in these regions. Note that this MAY cause some differences in the resulting pattern outside of the cosecant-squared region.

  • (CR 8475) The jamming effects models WSF_FALSE_TARGET_EFFECT and WSF_RPJ_EFFECT were computing a incorrect pulse density because they were using an integrated pulse count that had been internally adjusted by the radar. The models have now been modified to use the unadjusted pulse count.

  • (CR 8576) The track_manager was immediately purging a local track when the last correlated raw track was dropped even though a track processor with a purge_interval was defined. The documentation states that if a purge_interval is defined then tracks will only be dropped during the periodic purging.

  • (CR 8582) WSF_ESM_SENSOR was modified so that detections of intermittent communications signals extended through all samples in which the message was being transmitted. Formerly it only reported the detection during the sample in which the message started being transmitted.

  • (CR 8584) Corrected the problem where the detection_reference command in the horizontal_map and sensor_plot_flight_path_analysis functions of sensor_plot was being not recognized. It was inadvertently deleted in an update for the 1.6.4 release.

  • (CR 8592) Corrected a problem where enabling incidental damage in a weapon_effects definition was not resulting in targets being destroyed when they should have.

  • (CR 8615) Corrected a problem where excessive memory would be allocated if multiple road_traffic instances used the same route_network. If the networks were large there was a possibility the simulation would fail during initialization with an out-of-memory condition.


  • (CR 7988) Added Property Data Accessor Methods to WsfMover.

  • Added WsfVisualization script class to allow changing platform visibility on VESPA, and manipulating animated models.

  • (CR 8116) Modified WSF_SAM_LAUNCH_COMPUTER launch computer type. Adds track lateral offset as an independent variable. The implementation chooses the closest available offset set from which to compute a range/time-of-flight firing solution. Corresponding modifications were also made to weapon_tools for Launch Computer generation.

  • (CR 8369) Added capability to enter spot SAR size (height,width) as inputs. The values are used to adjust FOV during spot (WSF_SAR_SENSOR).

  • (CR 8350) Added in a new repeater jamming effect, WSF_REPEATER_EFFECT, that can be applied to modify the gain thresholds of the jamming power based on different methods.

  • (CR 8377) Added the capability to limit the number of tracks that are reported by a sensor when a false_target_screener is present on it. The new capability will limit or stop sending tracks based on the allow_track_reporting_when_flooded command.

  • (CR 8422) Added the print_failed_message_delivery_attempts and print_failed_sensor_detection_attempts commands to event_output.

  • Updated the csims_interface missile model (for classified releases only) to correspond to the SIMS 1.33.2 model as released with SUPPRESSOR.

  • Allow redefinition of commander and geo_point in a platform. This facilitates reuse of existing scenarios for testing or other studies which may require changes in the reporting structure.

  • (CR 8380) Added indication that DTED directory is located and that at least one DTED sub-directory exists.

  • (CR 8442) Added the WsfEM_Interaction script class, the derived classes WsfSensorInteraction and WsfCommInteraction. Updated the script observers to use the new classes. This allows users to write script observers that extract results from sensor and communication interactions.

  • (CR 8445) Added a default value of -999 to several sensor_plot variables that did not have an initial value set.

  • (CR 8477) Added the compute_end_point command to WSF_BALLISTIC_MISSILE_LAUNCH_COMPUTER. This option will cause computation of the ‘end point and time’ of a ballistic missile interceptor, which is the estimated location and time at which the interceptor would hit the Earth’s surface if it followed a ballistic trajectory and did not hit the intended target.

  • (CR 8504) Added documentation for the sensor_plot command sensor_plot_flight_path_analysis function. Added the capability to use a Time-Space-Position-Information (TSPI) file or a platform with a route and sample interval as additional methods for providing the sample points.

  • (CR 8507) Added infrastructure changes, primarily to WsfPlatformPart via ( Platform Part Commands ), to enable modeling damage to platforms at the individual part level. Change will permit higher fidelity system degradation in response to Directed Energy or other part-targeted engagements. This is a work-in-process, as platform part implementations must now query their damage state, and respond and/or “heal” appropriately. A recovery time may now be supplied to queue an automatic Resurrect function to be called.

  • Added in a method to degrade sensor updates in order to maintain realtime using the sensor_update_break_time command. This command will cause the sensor updates for the current frame to stop after the currently updating sensors in each thread update. Since the sensor updates are done on a priority queue, the sensors priority in updating will be reevaluated the next sensor update frame.

  • (CR 8553) Added in WSF_SIMPLE_FT_EFFECT to allow for a more simplistic way of modeling false targets that are only blocking detections/tracks.

  • (CR 8557) Modified WSF_ESM_SENSOR to allow the optional selection of the probabilistic scan-on-scan (PSOS) model.

  • Added the itu atmospheric attenuation model as an option for determining RF atmospheric attenuation. The model includes the contribution for atmospheric gases (ITU-R P.676), and optional contributions from rain (ITU-R P.838) and fog and clouds (ITU-R P.840).

  • Added the simple atmospheric attenuation model as an option for determining RF atmospheric attenuation. This allows the specification as either a simple loss rate per unit length or a constant factor.

  • (CR 8577) Added the sensor WSF_COMPOSITE_SENSOR which provides functionality similar to the ‘compound’ sensor found in EADSIM.

  • Added the function spherical_map to sensor_plot to create plot files of target detectability at a specific range over a matrix of viewing angles.

Database Updates

  • The classified scenarios were updated to reflect the data from ASC/ENDA as of July 2010. Extensive changes were made to the ‘base_types’ and ‘site_types’ to accommodate new tactics. Several things should be noted:

    • The way in which SAM launch computers were implemented is much different. In the long term it will be easier to add new weapons and change tactics without having to change a lot of files.

    • The tactics files have been moved from the ‘platforms’ to the ‘processors’ directory, and in some cases have been renamed. User-created scenarios that refer to the tactics files may have to have their ‘include’ paths updated.

    • The scenarios distributed with the classified release cannot be used with executables from previous releases. The new executables, however, can be used with older scenarios.

  • (CR 8591) (Classified database) - Corrected problems in red_sag_assignment_tactics.txt where the ‘no-intercept-possible’ condition was not getting handled, and the ‘bestTime’ variable was not getting properly updated.

  • (Classified database) - Corrected a problem where the SA-15 battery commander was not turning on the local acquisition radar.

  • (Classified database) - Corrected a problem where the relative yaw angle used for orienting the TTR system in a SAM battalion was being computed using the wrong platform as a reference. This was only a problem where the platform containing the TTR had a different heading than battalion commander platform (e.g.: as in the ‘split’ scenarios).

  • (Classified database) - Corrected a problem where several of the tactical SAM systems were not working.