Wizard 2.6 - 08 May 2020

Visit the AFSIM 2.6 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Wizard 2.6.3 - 19 Feb 2021

  • Wizard 2.6.2 - 13 Nov 2020

  • Wizard 2.6.1 - 05 Aug 2020

  • Wizard 2.6.0 - 08 May 2020


  • Hid Model Import, Command Chain Browser, and Zone Browser plugins by default. (Issue #1802)

Known Issues

  • The text editor may become unresponsive while the Map Display is hidden. Showing the Map Display again will cause the text editor to function normally. This problem seems to be hardware dependent as it does not occur on many computers.

  • There is no way to select zones on the map.

  • There is no way to undo modifications to annotations on the map after scenario transformation.

  • There may be inconsistent behavior when calling undo on global zones and global routes.

  • Zones inside platform definitions may be drawn at the origin (0n, 0w) or not drawn at all.

  • The Video and Screenshot capability fails to capture the openGL windows on some computers. This appears to be related to the configuration of the computer.

  • On Windows, when running Wizard as administrator, the thumbnails buttons that appear when hovering over the Wizard icon on the Window’s taskbar do not appear. Windows Media Player has this same issue so it is likely a Windows OS issue.

  • There is a QT issue (QTBUG-7556) when using Windows 7 and NVidia graphics cards where context menus do not show in full screen mode.

  • There is one frame of latency between the elevation lines and the rest of the scene.

  • Loading of TIFF files on Linux may lead to a crash. This may apply to visual databases and using .tif files as annotation images.


  • (2.6.3) Fixed grammar for wsf_version to support X.X and X.X.X version numbers. (AFSIM-963)

  • (2.6.3) Fixed crash when getting the large directory warning message while the loaded scenario has global zones. (AFSIM-972)

  • (2.6.3) Fixed a crash that occurs when the name of a platform_type is deleted in the text editor. (AFSIM-991)

  • (2.6.2) Added missing grammar for j_to_s_delta_threshold and updated the documentation. (AFSIM-205)

  • (2.6.2) Wizard will display an error message when Pattern Visualization fails to load the scenario file instead of crashing. (AFSIM-149)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed an issue with the Auto Complete menu remaining after switching tabs in the Text Editor. (AFSIM-162)

  • (2.6.2) Added missing grammar for a callback defined at the global scope. (AFSIM-191)

  • (2.6.2) Corrected grammar for a callback defined at the platform scope to indicate a syntax error if the processor named in the execute command cannot be found. (AFSIM-192)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed a bug where route using offsets would not display correctly. (AFSIM-196)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed syntax highlighting issues with script_struct. (Issue #300)

  • (2.6.2) Corrected the grammar for visual_part so that it is recognized by Wizard and syntax-highlighted correctly. (Issue #1433)

  • (2.6.2) Corrected the grammar so that the send_track_drop_on_turn_off and filter will not be valid on non-tracking sensors. (Issue #2032)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed an issue where Wizard was throwing an exception and closing when parsing a script block with more than 65,536 characters. Wizard will no longer exit but will still have problems with syntax highlighting of large script blocks. (Issue #2176)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed a crash that occurs after closing wizard without saving, if the main window is configured a certain way. (Issue #2400)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed a bug where Text Editor files would close upon opening the Rename File dialog. (Issue #2420)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed a bug which could cause a crash on exit while debugging script. (Issue #2428)

  • (2.6.1) Fixed a crash that occurred when running Astrolabe’s Verify command on a platform with an external include in its body. (Issue #1672)

  • (2.6.1) Fixed an issue where moving a platform on the map could change the sign of the heading value and could put multiple “heading” commands inside or outside of the platform definition (Issue #2222)

  • (2.6.1) Fixed a crash involving routes and zones when the map display plugin is not loaded (Issue #2250)

  • (2.6.1) Fixed a bug where renaming aux_data variables would add them as platforms at the origin. (Issue #2304)

  • (2.6.1) Fixed a crash that occurs after loading a configuration file. (Issue #2393)

  • (2.6.1) Fixed multiple crashes involving Auto Complete within the Text Editor (AFSIM-155)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an include command in a file created a circular dependency. (Issue #1601)

  • Zones are now created at scenario startup (Issue #1737)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading an older version of an application from the simulation manager. (Issue #1793)

  • Fixed a crash that happens when previewing a function using autocomplete. (Issue #1872)

  • Selecting “View Type Info…” from the Platform Browser or Type Browser context menus will show the correct line numbers and not crash when following a link to the first line of a file. (Issue #1876)

  • Fixed a bug where the “Platform Options” widget, when showing the global platform options, would show different entries for “Side” for anything typed into the text editor. The “Platform Options” widget now only shows the sides that are currently used in the scenario. (Issue #1884)

  • Fixed an issue where adding and moving routes in the map display selected the incorrect waypoints. (Issue #1927)

  • Corrected to only auto-select a platform when it is created from a graphical user action. (Issue #1966)

  • Fixed a bug that would place platforms incorrectly when dragging a platform type onto the Map Display. (Issue #1966)

  • Fixed a bug where the Simulation Manager would say Mission when the .afproj said “No application” for the executable, which crash Wizard if the user attempted to change Preferences. (Issue #2132)

  • Fixed a bug where changing certain details within platforms would make their components selectable. (Issue #2299)

  • (2.6.2) Corrected an issue where routes may draw incorrectly after a waypoint is deleted. (AFSIM-629)

  • (2.6.3) Allow case-sensitivity of model files-names in the models.txt files. (AFSIM-821)

  • (2.6.3) Corrected a display issue with all text labels. (AFSIM-896)

  • (2.6.2) Prevent saved Map Toolbar captures from duplicating when loading a configuration. (Issue #2441)

  • (2.6.2) Fixed multiple crashes that occur when accessing context menu options after a platform was removed. (Issue #2549)

  • (2.6.2) Corrected a crash that occurs when a Tether View is open on an articulated model and models are reloaded. (AFSIM-600)

  • (2.6.1) Changed the default models color from red to white, to better show team color. (Issue #2314)

  • (2.6.1) Re-added the option to change a plot series color from a plot’s context menu. (Issue #2327)

  • Fixed an issue where the Measurement Tool on the Map Display would display 0 degrees when measuring between platforms that were on the same latitude. (Issue #1708)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Restore Defaults” button in “Preferences” from restoring the keyboard shortcuts. (Issue #1778)

  • Fixed an issue where visual models with Level-of-Detail (LOD) nodes might not be visible. (Issue #1655)

  • Fixed a bug the prevented the “Restore Defaults” button in the Map Definitions preferences from restoring the default map profiles. (Issue #1903)

  • Prevent erroneous console warnings concerning loading images as models. (Issue #2001)

  • Fixed a crash when choosing megawatts in the Unit Preferences combobox. (Issue #2082)

  • Fixed a bug in Chat and Logs where it would crash Wizard if the “Comment” tab was removed or the user tried to send a message after all tabs have been removed. (Issue #2089)


  • Added a Comms Visualization Tool tool which provides a GUI based method for users to visualize and interact with communications/network configurations. This tool is being provided in the release as an initial read-only version of the tool with more features yet to come. (Issue #1312)

  • Waypoints are automatically selected when created via the map display or Route Browser. (Issue #1349)

  • Reintroduced the Rotate and Translate widgets. (Issue #1509)

  • Modified wizard::Platform to update heading in the input after rotating a scenario or selection. (Issue #1509)

  • Sky conditions in the map will show properly for scenario start_date. (Issue #1531)

  • Added a handler for altitudes specified in AGL; this affects where platforms are rendered on the Map Display as well as the information displayed in Hover Tooltips and Platform Details. (Issue #1580)

  • For consistency, in the map display context menu, moved the Platform and Zone creation dialogs to the “Add at Location” submenu. (Issue #1647)

  • Items in Cursor Info can now be dragged onto the map to create a data overlay. (Issue #1658)

  • Added the ACO Importer plugin which allows the user to import platforms and zones that are specified in USMTF Air Control Orders. (Issue #1696) (Issue #1697)

  • Zone modification via the text editor will now update the zone in the map window. (Issue #1737)

  • Various improvements to the Constellation Maker: input lines allow for unit specification, orbit size can be specified in four equivalent ways, UI will prevent creating a constellation for a platform type without a space mover, and the UI provides a warning when the constellation parameters would lead to a conjunction. (Issue #1761)

  • Added the Color Util plugin which allows the user to view colors generated by Color static methods and the side command. (Issue #1804)

  • Added the option to customize the header when Wizard generates a new file. (Issue #1830)

  • Range rings can now be toggled between aligning with the platform or true north. (Issue #1860)

  • Added the Team Visibility dialog to allow user to quickly control the visibility of teams in a scenario. (Issue #1905)

  • Added an option to select a platform from the editor context menu. (Issue #1966)

  • Added visualization of the solar terminator, sub-solar-point, and solar-path in the Map Display. (Issue #1531)

  • Added solar lighting to the Map Display and Tether View. (Issue #1531)

  • Added visual model-sets. Defining a model’s set as immersive will cause it to be used in Tether View in place of the standard Map Display icon. (Issue #1579)

  • Platform labels on the Map Display will now hide when behind the earth. (Issue #1681)

  • Data entries in the Platform Details display may be hidden from the right-click menu. (Issue #1691)

  • Added the map layer manager to add layers to the map from imagery and vector data. (Issue #1726)

  • An editing dialog will immediately be shown when creating a Point of Interest (Map Annotations). Additionally, POIs and Bullseyes are moved using ctrl-left click. (Issue #1732)

  • Range rings (Map Annotations) can now be toggled between aligning with the platform or true north. (Issue #1860)

  • Allow the camera to be placed much farther from the earth, and properly draw the moon in orbit in the Map Display and Tether View. (Issue #1908)

  • Added the ability to scale and to set the lifetime of explosions created in the Map Display by the Visual Effects plugin. (Issue #1911)

  • Added the ability to define the position and diameter of a model’s engines. (Issue #1911)

  • Added the Map Toolbar to save and recall interesting camera views. (Issue #1935)


  • (2.6.2) Corrected an issue where resources (maps & models) were not being installed when building only Wizard. (Issue #2450)

  • The FindReferenceType() and FindTypeNode() methods are now exported and can be used by custom extensions to Wizard. (ELSZ #297)

  • Global routes are now created when the scenario is loaded as opposed to when they are made visible for the first time (Issue #1743)

  • (2.6.1) To address a memory-related issue resulting from the update to Qt 5.12, the method wkf::Environment::GetEntityContextMenu has been renamed to BuildEntityContextMenu and its signature changed. (Issue #2378)

  • (2.6.1) Updated the following third party libraries to address security vulnerabilities: SQLite from 3.31.1 to 3.32.3 and Qt from 5.9.7 to 5.12.9. (Issue #2301)

  • (2.6.1) Corrected an issue with configuration of 3rd party and resource dependencies which resulted in a CMake error if no source location was detected containing archived packages, even if a location of the unpacked contents was configured. (Issue #2277)

  • Relaxed the compiler version check for compatible plugins on Windows (MSVC). Only the first two digits, indicating C++ toolset major number and binary compatibility, are compared to those of the host application. (ELSZ #133)

  • Added the directory containing plugins to library search path for Windows to allow plugins to have dependencies on other plugins. (ELSZ #172)

  • Renamed the CMake cache entry for specifying the path to 3rd_party libraries from CMAKE_THIRD_PARTY_ROOT to SWDEV_THIRD_PARTY_ROOT, and made the configuring of 3rd_party package location and unpacking more flexible. (ELSZ #240)

  • The method AddMenu() has been removed from WkfMainWindow and replaced with the new method FindOrCreateMenu(). The FindOrCreateMenu() method ensures that all menus added to WkfMainWindow can be located via the GetMenuByName() method. (ELSZ 297)

  • AFSIM has officially deprecated the 32-bit compilation option starting in version 2.6. Not all AFSIM features are 32-bit compatible.

  • CMake cache entry WSF_ADD_EXTENSION_PATH can now specify multiple search paths for plugins in a ;-separated list. (Issue #1649)

  • Updated OSG from 3.4.1 to 3.6.3 for new features. (Issue #1767)

  • Updated OSGEarth from 2.7.0 to 2.10.1 for new features. (Issue #1767)

  • Toggle graphics stats for the Map Display is now bound to a wkf::Action in the Developer Menu, and off the F10 key. (Issue #1801)

  • The option to toggle the polygon-draw mode in the Map Display is now bound to a wkf::Action in the Developer Menu. (Issue #1801)

  • Added DISPLAY_PRECEDENCE value to platform data and platform options tree items to allow some control of display order. (Issue #1807)

  • Updated FFMPEG from 4.1.4 to 4.2.1 to resolve critical vulnerabilities. (Issue #1816)

  • The Preferences Dialog now uses a new virtual function PrefWidget::GetCategoryHint() along with the PrefWidget’s windowTitle() to construct the list of options within the dialog. (Issue #1970)

  • Updated the following third party libraries: GDAL from 2.0.3 to 3.0.4, Proj from 4.9.3 to 7.0.0, Tiff from 4.0.9 to 4.1.0, and SQLite from 3.29.0 to 3.31.1. (Issue #2140)